Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Good Websites

I thought I'd share with you websites that I frequent. Below I listed and linked blogs, reference sites, and other websites that interest me and may prove to be something new for you to check out.

Challies - Tim Challies is a pastor in Canada that writes solid articles, book reviews, and my favorite an "A-La-Carte" of interesting things from around the web each day.
Pyromaniacs - Not a website about a love for arson. This is a great site with deep thoughts on current theological challenges/debates and cultural commenting.
Dr. R. Albert Mohler - SBTS President and cultural commentator.
Dr. Russell D. Moore - SBTS Dean of Theology and my systematic theology prof from seminary.
Brandishings - A blog from Dr. Chad Brand, another prof of mine from my seminary days.
Practical Shepherding - A good blog for practical advice for Christians; especially pastors.
Helm's Deep - Paul Helm's blog on philosophical theology.
Dr. Michael Haykin - Historical theology. Good stuff.
For His Renown - Biblical theology from Dr. Jim Hamilton.

Bible and Theology Resources
Monergism.com - A great resource for theology, sermon mp3s, both classic and contemporary writings, and links to good articles.
Desiring God Ministries - Resources from John Piper and his ministry through Desiring God.
The Spurgeon Archive - Sermons, writings, and other resources regarding Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
Truth for Life - The ministry of Alistair Begg. The mp3's are the best. Oh, to have a Scottish accent!
Grace to You - The incomparable John MacArthur.
Ligonier Ministries - The ministry of Dr. R.C. Sproul and company.
Biblos - Study the Bible in Greek, Hebrew, different translations, atlases, dictionaries, etc.

I do occasionally read other blogs or find myself on other sites. I simply wanted to list and link those sites which I frequent in order to provide resources for you guys as well as to show what influences me. I'd love to hear about sites you guys refer to.

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